
454 white papers and resources

Risk Library hosts a number of compliance white papers and analysis reports by leading experts. Use the information resource for the latest industry developments and to ensure that your organisation meets all financial regulatory requirements. Compliance means conforming to a set of best practice controls set by the organisation or externally, by governments and non-governmental bodies. They are enforced usually through management processes that identify, assess and initiate relevant corrective action each time these laws, policies, regulations, contracts or strategies are broken.

FRTB: a question of strategy for US banks

As pieces of the FRTB puzzle fall into place, the model methodology reshuffle raises new questions for US banks hoping to heed the lessons from their FRTB forerunners in Europe and beyond. This paper explores the key decisions facing US banks as they look to future-proof their FRTB…

Leveraging data in e-FX trading

In a world where electronic trading has infiltrated virtually every aspect of today’s FX market, having access to data and the means to interpret it are fundamental components of a successful e-FX strategy, writes Daniel Chambers, head of Data & Analytics at BidFX.