気候変動のリスクに向き合う- サステナビリティ(事業維持・継続関連情報)開示の必要性 Facing the risk of Climate Change – The Need for Sustainability Disclosure

近年気候変動によるビジネスへの影響はますます加速しています。 PodcastとRMS(Risk Management Solutions)より気候変動に関する現状と課題、気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(TCFD)への対応を含めた企業の新たなガバナンス、最新の確率論を用いた自然災害リスクモデルによる気候変動リスクの定量化と中長期損失予測手法、またそれを用いたリスク対応策・軽減策を御紹介させて頂きます。 

Podcast video in Japanese language only. English translation of abstract below

Climate Change and its impact on your Business is accelerating at great speed. This impactful Podcast introduces critical challenges dealing with the related risks and new Corporate governance, such as the latest TCFD Guidelines (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures). Introducing Risk Analytics as a Service for climate driven catastrophes using industry-leading, probabilistic Risk modeling to capture and quantify your current and long-term climate change risk outlook. Learn how to understand, evaluate, and mitigate business climate change risks for your Company using state of the art modeling approaches by RMS (Risk Management Solutions).

Speaker: Manabu Masuda, Vice President, RMS Model Development, RMS