
110 white papers and resources

Below you will find a selection of commodities white papers covering the current issues and thinking by leading expert opinions and what to look out for in the future. Commodities are marketable goods such as raw materials or agricultural products that can be bought or sold on an open market. These commodities are usually used in the initial stages of the production process to create other goods or services. The sale and purchase of commodities are based on speculation, meaning economic and environmental factors play a key part in the purchasing and sale of commodities.

Gold – A unique asset class

Gold is unlike all other elements on earth. Human beings have been utilising gold as both a form of currency and an investment for thousands of years. It is durable and has excellent liquidity as one of the world’s deepest commodity markets, second only to oil. Gold offers investors an attractive…

Janelle Matharoo

For Standard Bank, operating in the commodities business is not about the next profitable transaction, it’s about solutions to problems that its clients face daily. Janelle Matharoo, global head of energy sales & trading, talks to Energy Risk.

Market change – slow but certain

As the European Union’s (EU's) Carbon Market Initiative nears implementation of Phase III, Navita Systems’ Anette Nordskog discusses the recent developments in the carbon market, along with the practical and technological challenges it faces.

Building on lessons learned

With African roots and a presence in 17 African countries and 33 countries worldwide, Standard Bank has been working with commodities clients since 1994. In 2006, the bank hired Janelle Matharoo as managing director, global head of energy sales & trading, to help grow the business. He talks to…


Paul Cusenza, Chief Executive Officer, discusses the advent of Nodal Exchange, its unique offering in the US power market and his belief that much of the OTC cash-settled power market in the US can be put on exchange.