Credit Risk

262 white papers and resources

Risk Library provides a number of credit risk white papers, industry reports and opinions, which can be used to aid the decision making process and to reduce your organisations credit risk exposure. Credit risk is the type of risk that a lender assumes. As a form of compensation for taking on the risk, a lender receives interest repayments at an agreed upon rate. However, if a borrower defaults on agreed repayments, lenders may lose the partial or full sum and interest of the loan. This could result in the lender incurring further costs such as collection of debt owed and disruption to cash flow.

SCRA Best practice guide

The financial world has been familiar with the Basel III framework since its inception in 2010 and countless hours have already been spent tackling the 1,626-page tome and its various amendments over the years. There is no doubt that full implementation of Basel III will be a gargantuan effort for…

What drives the convertible bond market?

This whitepaper looks at the key drivers that influence the convertible bond market and how it provides unique opportunities for both investors and issuers. The underlying characteristics of this security make for interesting and complex pricing and valuation dynamic. To make informed decisions and…